HammRadio Today: 6/21/2010 --
Treasure Discovered In the Margins
Last Modified
6/21/2010 6:31 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
What kind of treasures can be found in old books? But in the future, will we have exhibits like this? Or will it be in digital form?
Contact Mike Cunningham at Mike (at) HammRadio.com
Interesting article on the "marginalia" of famous author's personal library collections. What does Mark Twain think of a novel? Did Jack Kerouac get his most famous work's title from Thoreau? In the digital age, what will library and museum exhibits become? Will it be video displays and computer terminals of scanned documents, archived twitter postings, and poster sized quotations in binary? What will become of the marginalia of the young poet or author fiddling with his Kindle?
I'm a pack rat. I hate throwing things out. I'm a hoarder-in-potential. Much of my archive, of which I long to catalog and digitize, before embarking on a great scrapbooking project is filled with "nonsense", I suppose. This unfinished vanity project (among many unfinished vanity projects) would be only entertaining to me. Or perhaps some future descendent. Or perhaps some sort of weird future anthropologist who randomly discovered the works of a brilliant, funny, unnoticed blogger/podcaster/idiot. And if you are reading this, "Hello to the future. Welcome to the past. Speak about me kindly."
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
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