HammRadio Today: 1/10/2008 --
Nutter's Delight
Last Modified
1/10/2008 8:50 PM
Byline: Mike Cunningham
Story Summary
Our last mayor was hip because he loved his iPhone. The new mayor is hip, because he drops it like it's hot. Yes, Philadelphia your new mayor is a rap star and YouTube viral hit.

Our last mayor was hip because he loved his iPhone. The new mayor is hip, because he drops it like it's hot. Yes, Philadelphia your new mayor is a rap star and YouTube viral hit. This is not a clean video, embarassingly, he missteps a couple of times as ?ueslove spins the record. I always thought this guy was a nerd. What do you expect from a guy from St. Joe's Prep. But I gotta say, a new found respect for the MC Nutter.
HammLinks: Around The Web Today
- Bob Clarke likes Sucker Punches.
- It doesn't matter that the NHL is trying to clean up it's image, our boy Clarkie loves the new Broad Street Bullies. To be honest, the fans in Philly won't care unless it brings us another cup.
- Pogue on Movie Trailers again, the real schoop
- And oh yeah more from CES
- iPhone and the Wireless industry
- I'm so glad that cell phones won't give us cancer. I mean those foolish urban legends, right?
To make sure the iPhone didn't generate too much radiation, Apple built models of human heads ? complete with goo to simulate brain density ? and measured the effects.
Wait a minute, WTF?- Bush says End Occupation in Arrab Lands.
- Alright, we DID it. We got him to change!!! Bring the boys home!!! Oh, wait a minute, that's not what this story is about. Nevermind.
- Agent who exposed CIA agents dead
- Sure, it was a complication from surgery. I just saw "The Good Shepherd" I know what's going on here...
- McGwire should be in the Hall Of Fame
- or the All Star team or whoever. This is junk journalism. Oh, he's just another blogger like me... Nevermind.
- Romo gets a little snippy when you talk about his girlfriend
- Why doesn't Romo say, look I'm just banging this broad until Brady's done with Giselle, alright. Geez.
- Stewart rips Giuliani on the 9/11 thing
- Seriously, good stuff. Even without the writers, Stewart is able to be funny. Eat that Conan.
- What the World Needs Now, a $2500 car.
- Look, we don't need 500 million Indians driving cars. And, as my buddy Kyle asks? Why the
fuckisn't this an electric car? Al Gore must be spinning in his- Pop Candy Early Buzz
- Heroes
dollsAction Figures, The Wire, Mad Men and other buzz...- HammRadio.com's suggested On-Line listening Stations
- Pows of the Day:
Mike Doughty "27 Jennifers" Indie 103.1
Morrissey "Every Day is Like Sunday" Indie 103.1
Kaiser Chiefs "I Predict a riot" Indie 103.1
*** POW OF THE DAY ***
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