What stadium is in every beer commercial??? We found it. Okay, so I had some help. Also, we figure out why Three Dog Night's Shambala is in my life. Sorta.
We know Michael Jack Schmidt has always talked about managing the Phillies, but Chris Coste the feel good story of the century, dreams it. He also dreamed that he'd become a Major Leaguer. That came true too.
It's been a while since we give you a sampling of videos. But after doing some cleaning in the house, I decided to do some house cleaning here at HammRadio.com. Yes... we'll get to the Ellen DeGeneres video. GEEZ!!
Warning: Today's episode is a little raw. There is some cursing. So don't play at work. We talk about Steak and BJ day, Worst Cover songs of all time, and a Rant From the Road that is not to be missed.