What's Goin On?: Proof of Concept #117
Road Trip 2006

What's Goin On?: Proof of Concept #117 <br>Road Trip 2006

Proof of Concept #117 -- Road Trip 2006!!!

Donate Now!!! We're in Cleveland resting up from our road trip. Sometimes you need to just sit in your hotel all day long. Okay not really. But we did do a show today. We wrap up our Lollapalooza trip in Chicago, with LIVE reports from Grant Park. We talk about some of the lessons learned on our trip and how nice it is to have family and friends checking in on you during your trip. It's nice to be loved. And we give some insight on how you can go a little crazy during a road trip. Just a little crazy not a lot of crazy. Check out the pics from our trip: Pittsburgh [pics], Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago, and Cleveland.

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ProofOfConcept at hammradio.com

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Mike Cunningham-- Mike Cunningham, HammRadio.com


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What's Going On -- Articles

What's Goin On?: Proof of Concept #117
Road Trip 2006

Last Modified
8/7/2006 7:23 PM
Story Summary
We're in Cleveland resting up from our road trip. Sometimes you need to just sit in your hotel all day long. Wrapping up Lollapalooza and other elements of Road Trip 2006.
What's Goin On?: Proof of Concept #117 <br>Road Trip 2006

Proof of Concept #117 -- Road Trip 2006!!!

Donate Now!!! We're in Cleveland resting up from our road trip. Sometimes you need to just sit in your hotel all day long. Okay not really. But we did do a show today. We wrap up our Lollapalooza trip in Chicago, with LIVE reports from Grant Park. We talk about some of the lessons learned on our trip and how nice it is to have family and friends checking in on you during your trip. It's nice to be loved. And we give some insight on how you can go a little crazy during a road trip. Just a little crazy not a lot of crazy. Check out the pics from our trip: Pittsburgh [pics], Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago, and Cleveland.

Contact Us

HammRadio.com Hotline:
267-828-0112. Leave message after second beep.
Podcast E-Mail:
ProofOfConcept at hammradio.com

Just Click The Arrow and Play! (NOTE: will play the MOST recent Podcast!)

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

Mike Cunningham-- Mike Cunningham, HammRadio.com


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