What's Goin On?: Proof of Concept Podcast #81

What's Goin On?: Proof of Concept Podcast #81

Proof of Concept #81

Donate Now!!! You know it's a busy day, when it takes me forever to post the latest podcast. Sorry about that folks. I will say that with our cabel modem, files were uploaded nearly instantaneous. With DSL it would take up to 45 minutes to upload a 17 MB file. With Cable it took like 10 minutes. Crazy. We'll keep track of this tomorrow. On Today's show, I create some controversy when I address the East Coast/West Coast Rap War. No, not Tupac and Biggie. I mean the Chronicles of Narnia war. Also, I try and show Muhammad cartoons on the air. Listen to me realize that it's a radio show, not a video podcast. Also, I go off on how the suspension of Salman Rushdie death bounty over Satanic Verses led to Al Qaeda focusing on other things.

Contact Us

HammRadio.com Hotline:
267-828-0112. Leave message after second beep.
Podcast E-Mail:
ProofOfConcept at hammradio.com

Just Click The Arrow and Play! (NOTE: will play the MOST recent Podcast!)

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

Mike Cunningham-- Mike Cunningham, HammRadio.com


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What's Going On -- Articles

What's Goin On?: Proof of Concept Podcast #81

Last Modified
2/8/2006 7:12 PM
Story Summary
You know it's a busy day, when it takes me forever to post the latest podcast. Sorry about that folks. I will say that with our cabel modem, files were uploaded nearly instantaneous.
What's Goin On?: Proof of Concept Podcast #81

Proof of Concept #81

Donate Now!!! You know it's a busy day, when it takes me forever to post the latest podcast. Sorry about that folks. I will say that with our cabel modem, files were uploaded nearly instantaneous. With DSL it would take up to 45 minutes to upload a 17 MB file. With Cable it took like 10 minutes. Crazy. We'll keep track of this tomorrow. On Today's show, I create some controversy when I address the East Coast/West Coast Rap War. No, not Tupac and Biggie. I mean the Chronicles of Narnia war. Also, I try and show Muhammad cartoons on the air. Listen to me realize that it's a radio show, not a video podcast. Also, I go off on how the suspension of Salman Rushdie death bounty over Satanic Verses led to Al Qaeda focusing on other things.

Contact Us

HammRadio.com Hotline:
267-828-0112. Leave message after second beep.
Podcast E-Mail:
ProofOfConcept at hammradio.com

Just Click The Arrow and Play! (NOTE: will play the MOST recent Podcast!)

Wanna Chat about anything you read here? To start chatting click here!.

Mike Cunningham-- Mike Cunningham, HammRadio.com


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What's Goin On?: A Note From Mike Cunningham

What's Goin On?: A Note From Mike Cunningham

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